
Resources for Assessing Publishers and Finding a Journal to Publish in.


Think. Check. Submit. 这是一场帮助研究人员识别可信度的运动吗
研究期刊. 这是一个简单的清单,研究人员可以用它来评估期刊或出版商的资质.


欺骗性出版是一种公司以虚假的名义创建期刊以欺骗作者的做法, 帮助作者欺骗同事, or both.




卡贝尔出版机会目录 provides contact information, publication guidelines, and other information to help professors and students get their manuscripts published.


任何出席会议的人都会收到一封电子邮件,邀请他们发表自己的研究成果. Unfortunately, 声名狼藉的(掠夺性的)出版商有时会向会议主持人发送不必要的电子邮件, 包括本科生, who are not aware of the problems caused by disreputable OA journal publishers.

本科生有兴趣在期刊上发表他们的研究也需要评估期刊,以确保期刊, and its publisher, are reputable. There are journals that publish undergraduate research. They can be published by honor societies in a field or university presses. The links below provide information on college honor societies, 其中一些出版期刊, 以及发表本科生研究成果的期刊.

Checking for Quality

对于学者来说,确定他们提交论文的期刊的质量和声誉是很重要的.  就像订阅期刊一样, 有些肆无忌惮的OA出版商通过电子邮件向学者发送垃圾邮件,诱人地邀请他们提交期刊文章和/或担任编委会成员. Read more.

Below are criteria for evaluating a specific journal, as well as links to organizations that evaluate publishers and journals.

Journal Criteria

  1. 发表的研究的口径.

  2. 阅读几篇文章来评估质量.

  3. Peer review process as described on the journal's web site.

  4. Consider contacting published authors about their experience.

  5. 编辑委员会和工作人员的组成.

  6. Are editors recognized experts, and are their affiliations provided?

  7. Ease of finding contact information for the publisher, including a street address and phone number (not just a contact form).

  8. 小心一些不道德的出版商包括假地址或私人住宅的地址来欺骗读者

  9. 期刊的质量指标(1).e. impact factors, article-level metrics,或其他可信措施).

  10. OA journals: Transparency of journal's policy on charging for OA publication, 以及电荷的数量.

  11. 出版内容的版权所有权.

  12. 要小心那些要求将所有版权转让给出版商的开放获取期刊. True OA means the author retains their copyright via a Creative Commons or comparable license.


There are many organizations that vet individual journals and publishers, 这可能有助于作者评估合法性.
虽然被排除在这些服务之外并不一定意味着出版商没有信誉, authors may consider:

  1. 期刊有索引吗 PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus,或你所在领域的其他文献索引?

  2. Is the journal or publisher a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)?

  3. Does the journal have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)?

  4. Does the journal have an ISI impact factor, SNIP, SJR, or eigenfactor ranking? Beware of unrecognized ranking systems, often designed to mimic existing metrics.


  1. Is the journal included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)或开放存取学术资源目录(ROAD)?

  2. Is the publisher a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)?

  3. Has the publication been evaluated by scholars in the 优质开放存取市场?

Metrics Toolkit

  • Metrics Toolkit是研究人员和评估人员的资源,为展示和评估研究影响的主张提供指导. With the Toolkit you can quickly understand what a metric means, how it is calculated, 如果和你的影响问题吻合的话.

大学图书馆支持学者出版开放获取预印本和接受的手稿,以使所有赌博平台研究尽可能广泛地提供. 而是为了额外的可发现性, below are tools and platforms that can help connect you to other scholars in your field, 并定义你的研究如何出现在开放的网络上(如谷歌学术或ORCID档案). 


  • ORCID提供了一个持久的数字标识符,将您与其他研究人员区分开来, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, 支持您和您的专业活动之间的自动链接,确保您的工作得到认可.

Google Scholar Profiles

  • Google Scholar Profiles为作者展示他们的学术出版物提供了一种简单的方式. 你可以查看谁引用了你的文章, 随时间变化的引用图表, 并计算几个引用指标. 你也可以公开你的个人资料, so that it may appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name, e.g., Richard Feynman.
  • Best of all, 它设置起来很快,维护起来也很简单——即使你已经写了几百篇文章, and even if your name is shared by several different scholars. 您可以添加相关文章的组, not just one article at a time; and your citation metrics are computed and updated automatically as Google Scholar finds new citations to your work on the web. 您可以选择自动更新文章列表或自己查看更新, 或者随时手动更新您的文章.

Clarivate ResearcherID

  • 在Publons上注册并导入您的Web of Science出版物,以获得Web of Science ResearcherID的资格.
  • 每天晚上,Publons都会给任何一个或多个资料分配一个Web of Science ResearcherID Web of Science核心馆藏-indexed publications that do not yet have a ResearcherID.
  • 当有人在网上搜索你时,你添加到Publons档案中的任何出版物都会链接到你的Web of Science ResearcherID Web of Science. 请允许最多两周的时间让您对Publons所做的更改反映在Web of Science上.



Office of General Counsel Intellectual Property, including copyright.德克萨斯大学系统.

版权材料的使用- ut系统 "德克萨斯大学系统 Wide Policy - UTS 107"

Publishing and copyright ownership - Understanding your options

在你签署协议之前, take a moment to think about what you want to do with the work in the future. Will your publishing contract allow you to do those things?

As the author of a scholarly work, you are also the original copyright owner in that work. When it comes to how that work is reused by others (copied, distributed, etc.), you are in charge! You are free to make copies of your work and give them away, 将它们发布到一个机构存储库中, 或者在作品的基础上创作衍生品. 当你发表作品的时候, however, 这可能会改变,你可能会失去自由做这些事情的权利,这取决于你在发行合同中所同意的内容!

As an author you may face one of the following options when publishing your work:

1. 作者将版权转让给出版商. 从历史上看,这是最常见的选择. 许多学术出版商要求作者将其作品的版权转让给出版商. In this scenario, 当你想重用你的文章, 比如复印一份给同事, 在课堂上分发副本给学生, 将其归档到在线存储库, or even adapting the article into a conference presentation, 在重用方面,您将面临与需要重用别人的工作时相同的限制. 你可能需要从出版商那里获得重用文章的许可,除非你提议的活动符合版权豁免的条件, like fair use.

法律允许终止转让 在出版后的一段时间内, 为了让作者控制他们早期的作品,他们可能已经签署了放弃权利. One tool is the website RightsBack.org.

2. 作者保留一些权利:

授予独家许可: Not all publishing agreements involve the complete transfer of rights. In some cases, 而不是要求转让权利, a publisher may request an exclusive license to exercise specific rights. For example, if a publisher asks for the exclusive right to publish a work, 作者保留其版权所有权, but grants the publisher the exclusive right to copy and distribute the work. 因为许可证是“排他性的”,作者不能将此许可授予其他人,并且需要获得出版商的许可才能复制或分发该作品. Since this is not a complete transfer of the author's copyright, it is possible for the author may retain the right to do other things with the work, 比如在作品的基础上创作衍生品.

使用“作者附录”: It is also possible to customize your publishing agreement using an "Author Addenda". These addenda often grant the author a non-exclusive license to reuse a work. Licenses are usually limited to specific types of activities, such as allowing a copy of an article to be uploaded to an institutional repository. 这种类型的许可证可能会附带额外的限制,例如指定只能将文章的“预打印”版本上传到存储库. There are model agreements available to help authors sort out the details. (See links below.)

3. 作者拥有所有版权. 完全转让或转让版权所有权和独家许可并不总是出版所必需的. 你可以保留对你的版权的所有权,并给出版商一个非排他性的许可来出版你的作品. These types of arrangements are common among open access publishers, 经常使用知识共享许可协议.

Author's Alliance


SPARC Author Addenda



More Information about licenses and copyright transfers

Data Management Plans

A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes data that will be acquired or produced during research; how the data will be managed, described, and stored, 您将使用什么标准, and how data will be handled and protected during and after the completion of the project.


Data Repositories

ScholarWorks @ 赌博平台

  • ScholarWorks @ 赌博平台 is the institutional repository hosted by the library. It hosts articles, primary sources, digital collections, theses, and datasets. 




  • OSF is a free, open source web application that connects and supports the research workflow, enabling scientists to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their research. 研究人员使用OSF进行协作, document, archive, share, 登记研究项目, materials, and data. OSF is the flagship product of the non-profit Center for Open Science.

Google Dataset Search

  • 放入上述存储库和其他存储库的数据集通常会出现在谷歌数据集搜索中. 

Contact Us

Justin White

Justin White
Head of Open Scholarship
(956) 665-2765
ELIBR 1.120F

Gabby Hernandez

Gabby Hernandez
Open Education Librarian
(956) 665-2756
ELIBR 1.120G

William Flores

William Flores, MSIS
(956) 665-7117
ELIBR 1.120

Richard Quiroz

Richard Quiroz
(956) 665-2754
ELIBR 1.120